Country of Origin Branding (COOB)

Many factors influence the customers’, consumers’ and key stakeholders’ perception of the value of your brand – be it a product brand, a service brand, a company brand, an organization or association, or even a whole nation/region/destination. The very reason why companies, organizations or governments indulge in branding is to influence stakeholders to make decisions in favor of their respective offers, e.g. to buy or to recommend their products and services. One such factor that significantly influences perceptions of brands is the place where they are made or where they come from. The strategy to pro-actively use this country of origin labeling in brand management is referred to as “Country of Origin Branding” (COOB).

History of Country of Origin Branding

Country of Origin Branding can be traced back to the late 19th century when the English government, in an effort to reduce sales of German and other non-English products to English consumers, passed a law requiring products manufactured outside England to be labeled with their country of origin. Today we all know that Britain’s idea of marking products from Germany “Made in Germany” was probably one of the best (marketing) moves for the attractiveness and success of German products and services worldwide.

Country of Origin Branding Effect

Research shows that consumers’ and other stakeholders’ broad general perceptions of a country/region/destination – including its local characteristics, economic and political background, history and traditions – combine to create an overall reputation that is attached to the products and services of that particular country/region/destination. This reputation has a significant influence on consumers’ and other stakeholders’ perceptions and behaviors. Especially in situations in which additional information is unavailable or difficult to get reputation can be the sole determinant of whether or not someone buys or recommends a product or service.

Taking advantage of Country of Origin Branding

Associations may vary by country, region or even city. These effects can have a favorable or unfavorable impact on consumer and stakeholder evaluations. When there is a match between the perceived strength of the country and the desired product or service features, the country of origin branding will have a favorable economic effect.

We help you develop your COOB strategy

By conducting an in-depth analysis of your specific circumstances, we can help you find out whether the COOB can help leverage your brand, be it a product or company brand, and support you in developing and implementing the COOB strategy throughout your organization.

If you would like to learn more about our service, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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