Personal Branding

Personal Branding is the reputation-oriented Brand Management of the brand “I”. Personal brands influence the overall reputation of the company – be it of members of the executive board, of top management or of all employees interacting on various touch points with stakeholders. So it makes sense to make sure that all influencing relevant personal brands that represent the company and its brand are “on brand” all the time, in other words that they are compliant with the overall corporate brand.

Competitive Advantage

Personal Branding is very important because the strategic brand management of the brand “I” is a promising strategy to build a competitive advantage. The image profile of a personal brand consists of performance, self-expression, notoriety (awareness level) and likability value. According to a study conducted by IBM, the image matters about 30% for the career in contrast to other factors such as training and relationships, which matter about 10%.

Cultivation of the Brand “I”

The cultivation of the brand “I” has long been successfully practiced in the world of sports and is now moving into the everyday life of a manager through the increasing personification in the economy.

We know how to develop an outstanding Personal Brand

Having worked with world-famous athletes for years we know what it takes to develop an outstanding Personal Brand. Based on this experience we have developed a by now proven methodology on how to build and manage one’s own Personal Brand successfully in the context of the business environment.

If you are interested in a first conversation about the current state of your Personal Brand or our services in the field of Personal Branding, please contact us.