
Markus Renner’s publications include:


Markus Renner’s book is published: “Generating Trust via Corporate Reputation. The Influence of Pharmaceutical Companies’ Reputation on the Recommendation Behaviors of Physicians and Patient Organizations”. Check for it on Amazon or read the contents here.



In addition you can join one of Markus Renner’s LinkedIn groups in order to discuss with him and the other group members:

Other publications

“Stakeholder als Könige – Reputation beeinflusst den Geschäftserfolg” (Article published in return, August 2016), Download English translation (The Stakeholder is King – About the Influence of Corporate Reputation on Business Success”)

A Q&A with INBREC’s Markus Renner (Article published on, March 2016)

“Gütesiegel” aus glaubhafter Quelle – Rankings für Unternehmen (Article published in ‘Neue Zürcher Zeitung’ and on ‘’, January 2016), Download English translation (Company rankings – why some of them can be used as “seals of quality”)

Die “Marke Deutschland” hat nachhaltig gelitten (Article published in ‘Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger’ and on ‘’, January 2016)

So bröckelt das Vertrauen (Article published in ‘Westfalen-Blatt’, October 2015)

Gute Reputation steigert das Empfehlungs- und Kaufverhalten (Interview published in ‘return – magazin für Unternehmensführung und Sanierung’ newsletter, October 2015)

Totalschaden für die Reputation (Article published in ‘Handelsblatt’, September 2015)

Der Einfluss von Vertrauen und Reputation auf den Geschäftserfolg von Pharmaunternehmen (Keynote Speech at ‘Pharma Trend Image and Innovation Awards’, September 2015)

Nachhaltiger Imageschaden – Die Fifa und die Schweiz (Article published in ‘Neue Zürcher Zeitung’ and on, June 2015)

Mach das mal speditiv” – Kulturschock Schweiz (Article published on May 2015)

How to Measure and Manage Reputation (Artcle published on, May 2014)

Die Demokratisierung der Markenführung (Article published in ‘Absatzwirtschaft’, April 2013)

Wie wichtig ist die Reputation für den Geschäftserfolg? (Article published in ‘persönlich’,  August/September 2012)

Gute Reputation – gute Geschäfte (Article published in ‘pharma marketing journal’, April 2012)

Gastbeitrag im Essex-Newsletter zum Thema Brand & Reputation (Article published in September 2009)

Antidote to a Scrutinuous Image (Article published in ‘Communication Director’, February 2007)

Der Novartis Brand and Reputation Index (Article published in ‘Kommunikations Manager’, June, 2007)

Novartis stärkt die Unternehmensmarke (Article published in ‘persönlich’, January/February 2007)