Better navigate through the maze of rankings

press_release_Ranking_of_the_rankings“World’s Most Admired Companies“, “Best Companies to Work for“ or “World’s Most Innovative Companies“: These are only three of more than 500 Brand and Reputation Rankings worldwide. We have developed “Ranking of the Rankings”, a tool which gives business executives an overview of the variety of rankings regarding their quality and added value in different assessment categories. This is crucial because many rankings are published via influential mass media, and therefore significantly impact on how important stakeholders perceive and evaluate companies and their brands. The overview is available for free here.

We regularly assess important rankings in four categories: “Relevance & Impact“, “Added Value & Insights“, “Trustworthiness & Intention“ as well as “Methodology“ and gives an overall score between „highly useful“ and „useless“. All assessed rankings are presented in an interactive overview, which can be filtered for example by ranking categories like “innovativeness”, “sustainability” and “employer attractiveness” or by score. The tool provides managers with a qualitative assessment of the rankings that are relevant to them and their respective companies.

“Due to my many years of practice and research experience for international corporations I know that Brand and Reputation Rankings have a significant influence on how customers, shareholders, employees and other key stakeholders perceive corporations as well as on their evaluation of products and services. Unfortunately, corporate managers often do not have enough time to study every ranking result in detail. ‘Ranking of the Rankings’ is the ideal tool to gain a quick and comprehensive overview”, explains Markus Renner, Co-Owner of Branding-Institute.

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