Prof. Dr. Markus Renner, Co-Owner and Managing Partner of Branding-Institute and Co-Chairman of the International Brand & Reputation Community (INBREC), will take part in a top-level panel discussion on “Europe – old new production location”.
Due to better production factors many companies have relocated their production facilities from Europe to the USA or Asia, notably China. Nevertheless, conditions and standards of production often cannot compete with European standards. Therefore many companies come back to Europe. The panel discussion with top-level participants will discuss opportunities and challenges of Europe as a production location. Markus Renner will elaborate on the influence of brand and reputation on business success and on country of origin branding in particular. Further panellists, among others, are Sven Carstensen (CEO Thales Alenia Space Deutschland GmbH) and Dr. Harald Traxler (Chairman of the Board voestalpine Automotive Components Dettingen GmbH).
The panel discussion takes place in advance of “Global Connect”, a forum and trade fair for export and internationalisation in Stuttgart on October 25, 2016. It is organised by the Swiss-German Business Club, the German Economic Council, the French-German Business Club and Advance Austria. Please click here for more information.
If you are interested in country of origin branding please join Markus Renner’s LinkedIn Group of the same name.