Usually the rankings you see are based on certain criteria compiling some amount of data or reflecting one or several stakeholders’ perceptions on countries, corporations etc. The criteria applied and the way they are weighted are based on more or less elaborated methodologies – which is basically one of the reasons why we take a closer look on them in our Rated Rankings.
OECD offers a pretty different approach in their Better Life Index. Set your own priorities among the criteria offered and you can see what effects this would have on the country ranking. By doing so, you can determine the best countries for you to work in or to invest.
What’s important to you: would you weight income higher than housing or environment more than education? And what would be the choice of your company – e.g. when looking for a place to invest? The Better Life Index tool offers eleven dimensions to “play with” and 35 countries worldwide to compare. The whole methodology is based on a data set and you will find information on it and the complete index data set on the OECD Better Life Index website.
But don’t forget to come back here to our website and let us know how you liked it.