Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index 2013
– 15 points –
– 13 points –
– 13 points –
– 9 points –
– 50 (out of 60) –

- Global, e.g. North America, Europe and Asia (5 points)
- Regional, e.g. Europe or North America (3 points)
- Large national market: e.g. US, China, Japan, Germany, France, UK, Italy, Brazil (2 points)
- Mid-sized or small market, e.g. Switzerland, Netherlands, Argentina, Singapore (1 point)
Ranking will be recognized by key stakeholders:
- Opinion Leaders (Politicians, Professors; NGO’s) (2 points)
- Business Advisory Board, C-Level Executives (CEO, CCO, CFO, CMO) (2 points)
- High Potentials & Top Talents (employer market, students) (2 points)
- Financial Market (2 points)
- General Public (2 points)
Aggregated points: 15 (of max. 15)
- Ranking owner has limited credibility and reputation. (1 point)
- Ranking owner has fair credibility and reputation. (3 points)
- Ranking owner has excellent credibility and reputation. (5 points)
What is the ranking owner’s intention to produce and disseminate the ranking?
- Ranking is predominantly a tool to raise awareness for the owner with the possible intention to sell consultancy services. (1 point)
- Ranking is partly a tool to raise awareness for the owner with the possible intention to sell consultancy services. (3 points)
- Ranking is predominantly a tool to surface and share important insights on the subject surveyed. (5 points)
Comment: The Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index's results are not published in detail publically but sold to clients (mostly governmental organizations). Simon Anholt and GfK are also selling its consulting services to Nations and Destinations around the Globe. Thatsfore a certain byas with respect of the Ranking results can not be excluded
Is/Are the media outlet(s) where the ranking is published of high credibility and reputation?
- Media outlet(s) has/have limited credibility and reputation. (1 point)
- Media outlet(s) has/have fair credibility and reputation. (3 points)
- Media outlet(s) has/have excellent credibility and reputation. (5 points)
Comment: Respected media mostly from the tourism and travel industry as well as from governmental organizations are publishing the Ranking results prominently.
Aggregated points: 13 (of max. 15)
- limited orientation only (1 point)
- fair orientation provided (3 points)
- very good orientation (5 points)
Comment: With respect on how nations are judged in comparison to other nations; yes. But only 50 nations are judged.
Is the Ranking published in the same format on a regular basis, e.g. annually, which allows to track developments and comparisons over time?
- ranking is published for the first time (1 point)
- ranking is published for the second time in the same format (3 points)
- ranking is published for more than 3 times on a regular basis in the same format (5 points)
Comment: The Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index is published regularly every year and therefore the results are comparable from one year to the next.
Do the ranking results provide added value and further insights on how companies are evaluated in in their industry, e.g. detailed ratings in various sub-dimensions of the overall result?
- limited added value only (1 point)
- fair amount of added value (3 points)
- high amount of added value (5 points)
Comment: Each country’s score across the six dimensions Exports, Governance, Culture, People, Tourism and Immigration/Investment is mapped in the Nation Brand Hexagon with the total Index score. The various rankings provide a consistent framework for cross-country comparisons against factors impacting reputation.
Aggregated points: 13 (of max. 15)
- Ranking is based on a jury’s opinion only. (1 point)
- Ranking is based on a small survey or only on a limited group of stakeholders. (3 points)
- Ranking is based on a robust and representative survey. (5 points)
Comment: The studies poll over 20,000 people in 20 countries each year, asking more than 40 questions about their perceptions of 50 countries. The selection of the respondents and the detailed evaluations of the answers are not disclosed publically and are given exclusively to paying clients (mostly governmental organizations).
Is the ranking methodology easy to understand and reasonable – even for non-statisticians?
- Methodology not easy to understand and not reasonable. (1 point)
- Methodology fairly good to understand and reasonable. (3 points)
- Methodology very easy to understand and reasonable. (5 points)
Comment: The approach followed by the Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index is (rather) simple and therefore comprehensible.
Is the ranking methodology easy to access and transparent?
- Methodology not easy to find and not sufficiently transparent. (1 point)
- Methodology fairly good to find and of medium transparency. (3 points)
- Methodology very easy to find and of high transparency. (5 points)
Comment: The detailled results are only disclosed to paying clients.
Aggregated points: 9 (of max. 15)
- Product / Service Brands
- Company Brands
- Corporate Reputation and Company Esteem
- Social Responsibility, CSR & Sustainability, Ethical Business Practices
- Innovation & Technology
- Employer Attractiveness & Diversity
- Leadership
- Nations & Destinations
- University & Other Institutions
- Sports
- Lifestyle
- Social Media
- Personal Branding & CEOs
Ranking statistics
- Name of Ranking: Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands Index
- Ranking managed/produced by institute/organization: Simon Anholt (he was Vice-Chair of the UK Government’s Public Diplomacy Board) developed the Nation Brands Index (NBI) in 2000 as a way to measure the image and reputation of the world's nations, and to track their profiles as they rise or fall. Since 2008 the ranking is published in partnership with GfK Roper Public Affairs & Media. GfK is one of the world’s leading research companies, with around 13,000 employees and a sales amounted of €1.51 billion in 2012.
- Ranking published by media outlet: various
- Date of recent publication: November 14, 2013
- Date of previous publication: October 23, 2012
The rankings published as “Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands IndexSM (NBI)” were issued the first time in 2000 by Simon Anholt (former Vice-Chair of the UK Government’s Public Diplomacy Board) and is published since 2008 in co-operation with GfK (one of the world’s leading research company, with 13,000 employees and a sales amount of €1.51 billion in 2012).
The Anholt-GfK Roper Nation Brands IndexSM measures the power and appeal of 50 country’s ‘brand image’ by examining the following six dimensions of national competence; Exports, Governance, Culture, People, Tourism and Immigration/Investment. Together, these six dimensions make up the Nation Brand Hexagon®; The overall NBI ranking is based on the average of these six scores. For the 2013 study, a total of 20,445 online interviews were conducted in (only) 20 developed and developing countries with adults age 18 or over. Online population parameters were used to weight the achieved sample in each country, to reflect key demographic characteristics such as age, gender and education of the online population in that count. The results provide a valuable orientation on how 50 nations are judged. What is not disclosed is the selection process of the panel. Respected medias mostly from the tourism and travel industry as well as various governments are publishing the Ranking results and also thatsfore the respective stakeholders and opinion leaders take the ranking results seriously.
The Ranking results are only accessible to paying clients (mostly Governmental organizations). Some informations can be publically seen here.