Brand Identity and Brand Positioning

Everything a company does, how it communicates on the various touch points, how it behaves, for example through its employees, is part of the Brand and Reputation building experience. In this context, the Brand Identity is a central communication strategy, which can help control the company’s image and reputation. Brand Identity and Brand Positioning are two means to influence stakeholders’ perception. Thanks to an integrated communication strategy orchestrating all relevant stakeholders touch points, a distinctive and coherent identity arises with all internal and external stakeholders.

Brand Positioning

For a credible positioning of the company’s brand, the corporate identity must be strategically aligned and interlocked with each of the following areas: Corporate Design, Corporate Communications and Corporate Behaviour.

Six relevant Brand Positioning Aspects

There are six aspects managers need to keep in mind. The Brand Positioning strategy must fit to the image and corporate strategy of the company. It must also fit to the self-perception of the target groups/stakeholders. The drawn positioning properties should be relevant for the target group and also perceived as such. It should be limited to a few essential characteristics. Otherwise the brand image would be too vague. Further, it must contribute to the distinction vis-à-vis competitive brands. The positioning can be protected out of its own strengths, leading to a certain degree of continuity.

We develop the best-fitting Brand Identity and Brand Positioning for your organization

With our proven stakeholder-guided Brand & Reputation Management methodology we actively support organizations in developing the best-fitting Brand Identity and Brand Positioning for their defined strategic objectives.

If you wish to receive more detailed information, please contact us.