The personal brand “CEO” can serve as an increasingly important value added factor since it has great influence on the perception of the Corporate Brand. The CEO is increasingly becoming the central value inter-mediator of an organization. The perceived profile of the CEO is a crucial aspect for the key messages of an organization and can be decisive in search of business excellence. In other words, the overall reputation of an organization is heavily influenced by the perception of the personal brand of the CEO. This is the reason why CEO Reputation Management is not to be neglected.
CEO personalization strategy
Important components of a CEO personalization strategy are Brand Positioning through key images, i.e. a visual extract of the positioning messages, Orchestration or Production Strategies: Media Placement or Incident Management, Issus Management or Agenda Setting and Environment observation resp. monitoring.
Vast experience in CEO Reputation Management
With our vast experience in CEO Reputation Management – also in inter-culturally demanding environments – together with the CEO and his closest advisors we develop the best-fitting brand identity and positioning for the (to be) defined strategic objectives.
If you wish to receive more detailed information, please contact us.