The US regulatory authority „Food & Drug Administration (FDA)“ raises a safety and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) issue for “Made in India”. Over the last couple of years the authority had already forbidden exportation to the US of drugs manufactured in particular Indian laboratories.
One key factor that significantly influences perceptions towards brands is the place where they are made. Associations may vary by country, region or even city. Such effects can have a favorable or unfavorable impact on consumer and stakeholder evaluations. This “country of origin effect” can exert – positive and negative – influence on a country’s reputation and on the business success of corporations from this country. One current example for the negative side effects of the country of origin effect is the GMP and safety issue risen by the powerful FDA.
If you are interested in further discussions on the topic of „Country of origin branding“ and its positive and negative effects as revealed in this example, please join the LinkedIn group “Country of Origin Branding”.