On March 6, 2015 the annual RepMan Forum takes place under the slogan „Reputation, Market Value and Reputation Risks” in Istanbul, Turkey.
Dr. Markus Renner, Managing Partner of Branding-Institute, Visiting Professor at Henley Business School (UK) and RepMan Advisory Board member, is going to hold a keynote on “The Impact of Rankings on your company’s Brand and Reputation – A guide to the maze of ‘Best…’ and ‘Most…’”. Many rankings are published via influential mass media, and therefore significantly impact on how important stakeholders perceive and evaluate companies and their brands. In his keynote Markus Renner will elaborate on how to identify relevant rankings and on how to be ranked in the top positions.
If you also need help in navigating the maze of rankings, please see our interactive tool “Ranking of the Rankings” which gives a quick overview as well as qualitative assessments of Brand and Reputation Rankings. You are also invited to join Markus Renner’s LinkedIn group “Ranking Management”.
RepMan Forum is hosted by RepMan, the leading reputation research company in Turkey. Other speakers are among others Prof. Dr. Pekka Aula from University of Helsinki who will elaborate on reputation risks in the social medie era or Fatmanur Erdogan, Head of Corporate Communications at Allianz Turkey who will hold a keynote on the prioritization of Reputation Management.